Art - Daniela Corsini

Daniela Corsini
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The attraction by Art on human beings, its sometimes overwhelming boost, and the power that it may exert in everyone's life have been extensively  discussed and studied. And I do not wish to add words, communicating through the images is more congenial to me.

In this Gallery am presenting some among the outcomes arisen from my encounter with artworks which, in time, have aroused particular sensations in me.
The first among these which - at the beginning of my artistic path - I have closely approached, with attraction and awe at the same time, is the Perseo by Benvenuto Cellini, which charms those lingering their glance on it in one of most beautiful squares in my city: Piazza della Signoria, in Florence, Italy.

My dialogue with Art, with the incommensurable heritage which our ancestors donated to us, has continued in time, and still continues.

Have appreciated shades and particularities of bronzes, marbles, works in pottery, from archeological findings to Renaissance works, up to pieces from the twentieth-century. You may discover other interpretations and learn more visiting Archeology and An Artist's glance too.

And since a few years I have started working also on paintings - my first experimentation has been a homage to Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici, last descendant of the great  dynasty: to her we owe the permanence in Florence, and thus in Italy, of the extensive and precious Medici Collections.

To her, with my deep gratitude, I have dedicated a triptych in oval shape.
Here it is, photographed during an exhibition.
I have deeply felt the wish to pay homage to Leonardo da Vinci as well, through the interpretation of three of his artworks.
You find my visions in this page, along with other moments of this course.

And other reveries are in evolution, in my mind and in my heart ... please stay in contact to discover more!
And to see other visions, please visit the other Galleries - thank you!
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Daniela Corsini - VAT number 06638010485 -
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